Frequently Asked Questions

How important are Members?
Member support from listeners and readers like you provides the financial resources needed to broadcast and stream the programs you enjoy listening to most from MPR News, YourClassical MPR and The Current. And your gift makes a big difference! 76% of our funding comes from public support.
I am a Sustaining Member and I want to update my payment information, where can I do that?
You can update your credit card right here. Or you can change to having your monthly donation withdrawn from your checking account (which means more of your gift supports the programs you love) by using this form.
I am a Sustaining Member, can I get a thank-you gift?
Sustainers Members can request their annual thank-you gift by contacting Member & Audience Services at 800-228-7123.
How long will it take for my thank-you gift to arrive?
You should expect to receive your thank-you gift 6-8 weeks after making your contribution or requesting it from Member & Audience Services.
How do I give a gift Membership?
For information on how to give a Gift Membership, please contact Member & Audience Services at at 800-228-7123 (Weekdays 9 a.m.-4 p.m. CT). Check out our Gift Membership FAQ for more info.
Is my gift to MPR tax deductible?
Absolutely! MPR is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your contribution to Minnesota Public Radio is tax-deductible after subtracting the value of any thank-you gifts.
What about refunds?
Minnesota Public Radio puts all donations to work quickly, therefore we do not generally offer refunds on donations. If you have made an error in making your donation, please contact Member & Audience Services at 800-228-7123 (Weekdays 9 a.m.-4 p.m. CT).
What’s up with Member Drives?
Check out our Member Drive FAQ for all the details on Member Drives.
Hey, you have my email address. What are you going to do with it?
See our Member List Policy to get the scoop.
Didn’t see your question? Didn’t get the answer you wanted?
Our Member & Audience Services team is happy to help you manage your Membership and to answer any questions you may have. For your convenience, use our contact form or call 1-800-228-7123 (Weekdays 9 a.m.-4 p.m. CT).