Programming and Projects Supported by Minnesota Legacy Amendment’s Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund

Minnesota Public Radio is the state’s largest cultural organization, providing more than 95 percent of Minnesotans with free access to some of the best broadcast news, music and cultural programming in the world. We are a proud recipient of investment from the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment (Legacy Amendment) Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.
Download FY24 Legacy project outcomes (.pdf) for all current MPR projects supported by the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.
Download a full report to the Minnesota State Legislature on our fiscal calendar year FY24 MPR Report on Legacy Activities (.pdf)
For more information on the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, please visit the State of Minnesota’s Legacy Amendment website:
Highlighted Projects
Our Class Notes program supports teachers and fosters students' passion for classical music through free in-school concerts, educational videos, and digital lesson plans designed to meet Minnesota’s K-12 music education standards.
Each Art Hounds weekly installment features three people from the Minnesota arts community talking briefly about a performance, opening, or event they're excited to see or want others to check out. This state-wide feature from MPR News is community-focused and audience-driven and features a diverse mix of art and voices.
Every week, The Current highlights the amazing music of Minnesota on The Local Show, with back-to-back local music, interviews with Minnesota artists, and information about the up-and-coming acts that keep our music scene vibrant. You’ll also hear local music on-air throughout the day because Great Music Lives Here.