MPR Facilities

UBS Forum

The UBS Forum is a public space dedicated to exploration and dialogue concerning our society’s most pressing public policy and cultural issues. It is a center for communication of ideas, for gathering of knowledge, for debate among citizens, and for building momentum toward solutions.

MPR Studios

The MPR Recording Studios, including the Maud Moon Weyerhaeuser Music Studio and Studio P, are world-class, state-of-the-art recording facilities housed within MPR’s headquarters building. The studios offer competitive rates and a friendly, professional staff. Capable of meeting the needs of solo musicians as well as full orchestral and rock ensembles, the studios have hosted sessions for the world’s finest musicians, from Andrew Bird and Tori Amos to Yo-Yo Ma, Joshua Bell, and Lang Lang.

Tower Rental

Minnesota Public Radio offers rental space at several broadcast tower sites within the state of Minnesota. Transmitter building space is available at most sites. Additional building and generator requirements of renters are considered on a site-by-site basis. Availability is subject to demand.