KWRV 91.9

On April 1, 2024 Boise State Public Radio became the owner and operator of KWRV.

At Minnesota Public Radio (MPR), we are proud of our pioneering history in Idaho. In 1993, KWRV was established with the support of local community members, and classical music was broadcast to audiences in the Sun Valley / Hailey / Ketchum region for the first time. On April 1, 2024, Boise State Public Radio (BSPR) became the owner and operator of KWRV. MPR is happy to have found a good steward and partner in BSPR. BSPR is a trusted, listener supported station—one based in Idaho and with a long history of serving the region. 

Minnesota Public Radio and American Public Media operate the YourClassical stream which audiences may enjoy.  

If you have a monthly recurring KWRV membership with MPR , please note that MPR will not automatically alter your membership gift. Your recurring MPR membership gift will remain active unless you choose to make changes. If you have any questions or wish to adjust your membership, please contact our MPR membership team at 1-800-228-7123 or here. If you would like to start a new gift to Boise State Public Radio, you can contact the Boise State Public Radio membership department here or at 208-426-3668.